In one recent news report a person was quoted as saying there are people who just can’t see a woman as president. Another report said that there are people who would never vote for a black for president.
I thought for a moment: What role could I never see a black in; what role could I never see a woman in?
I was alone, in my car, driving home from work. I could think as freely as I wanted; I could even say what I thought, say it out loud and no one would hear me, no one would know what I thought.
There is no role I can not see either in, or a white man, or an oriental woman, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a person who is gay, or a person who has a handicap. None of those things matter.
I even asked myself: Come on, be honest with yourself. Come up with some role in which you would refuse to vote for or support a person because of his or her race or sex or religion or physical ability or sexual orientation.
I asked myself again, earnestly. I answered emphatically: No...None...Really.
I consider myself blessed to be born at a time, in a place, surrounded by people who have given me the freedom to be free in my thought.