The memory came with images and smells and tastes and a feeling of loss, of craving. She indulged herself for a minute and let herself fall into the memory. She thought about that community of playful minds from those student years. Sidney and Phyllis and Tricia, Carl, Sue, Bobby. There was so much energy among them and they all wanted to use their writing or dancing or singing or composing to achieve the greatest, the landmark, the definitive, and never, ever be representative. After graduation some did go to New York with a dream and no forwarding address. Tricia and Bobby went to Orlando for the theme park stage.
Amy worked at her own work, and took time to explore her time, her place, her meaning. While her attempts at the great poem, writing the right words to achieve the high mark never happened, she relished in the constant pursuit.
She stood up and walked to the windows overlooking the agency’s parking garage, and said out loud “I can be there in three hours.”