October 11, 2008

Deposition (i)

Deposition of Howard Franklin Temple
taken at the Sheriff’s office in
St. Augustine, January 28, 1892.

I was almost home when I realized I had no tobacco. I knew there was none at home, so I turned around and headed for Timm’s. It was not yet five o’clock and I knew I could catch him before he closed. I remember the day has been gray. I had not even cast a shadow even though I was outside all day. Mr. Peterson, the hotel manager, wanted some bushes moved from the courtyard to near the drive. The sky was low and gray and seemed to hold all the dampness from the rain the night before, but there was no wind so the dampness didn’t hurt too much.

I cut through Hay Street to St. George Street to save a minute or two and that’s when I saw Julie Ann. She was coming out of the library. She didn’t see me. The minute I saw her I ducked behind the edge of the corner of Blakeslee’s Store. That surprised me. I felt funny that I didn’t want her to see me. I felt like I had caught her at something. I don’t know how she would have responded if she’d seen me. I don’t know if she would have hidden, or made some excuse.

She turned down Hospital Street as if she was going home. I stepped out from the corner, leaned on the building, and watched her walk up the street. I remember looking at her back and thinking her shoulders were so straight. I remember looking at her shoes. I don’t know why but I remember thinking the hem of her dress danced around her ankles. I liked the shade of blue of her dress. She worn that dress often. It was a pale light blue.

When she turned down Bridge Street and was out of sight, I ran the other way so as to catch Timm before he closed.