July 31, 2010

the eighth bible (bibles xxi)

I have one bible that is not the king james version. It is the living bible. Not a translation, but a paraphrase so things...i.e. god’s real meaning and points of particular emphasis...could be lost in paraphrase. As long as one understood that, it was ok to use the living bible...seen generally as more hip in language and thus more appealing to jesus people and the new young evangelicals.

The bible joined my quiver last, as I was leaving high school, and was used heavily, though not as a place for collecting inscriptions from teachers as with other bibles. It does have a handmade bookmark made of leather and inscribed with beads, a gift to me. It hung from the rear view mirror of my car for a long time, and was then added as a permanent piece of the bible. It too, speaks the language of the time.