July 30, 2008

Lady Lynlyre

It was not until late 1989 when Thom first saw the cross and the book held by Lady Lynlyre.

He was hurrying back from lunch and was cutting across the parking lot, and then part of the garden, not something he usually does. Thom follows sidewalks, but there was a storm brewing, a summer storm that could become swift and furious without much notice.

He was nearly across the park when the bottom fell out and Thom ran to the gate pagoda and stopped there as the deluge deluged. He caught his breath and sighed a little resignation thinking he’d be there a while.

He leaned back against the pagoda’s wall and thought that if he still smoked this would be a place and time to smoke. He hadn’t smoked in 23 years, but still thought about it. He looked out across the park through the thick grey veil of rain, letting his blank stare land on Lady Lynlyre.

The rain ended as it had started, abruptly. Thom stood for a moment looked at the statue a little more intently than he ever had before. He walked from the pagoda, back into the garden and up closer to figure.

What she had held in her upraised hand is a mystery, but it was clear, became clear to Thom, that Lady Lynlyre was Christian. There could be no doubt.